Restraining Orders/Protective Orders
Domestic violence is not just something that happens between spouses. Violence or the threat of violence between members of a family or between people in a relationship is considered domestic violence. If you are afraid for your safety or the safety of your children, contact the police and an attorney immediately.
At the Rosales Law Firm, we help victims of domestic and family violence. With our experience in family law and criminal defense, we understand all aspects of domestic violence cases. Recent changes in Texas law make it easier to charge domestic violence abuser with a felony. We will work hard to ensure the law helps to keep you and your family safe.
Contact us today online or by telephone at 915-219-5516. Our El Paso civil protective orders attorneys represent clients throughout El Paso and surrounding areas, including military members stationed at Fort Bliss.
Filing A Restraining Or Protective Order In Texas
Many people think domestic abuse is only about physical acts of violence, but it can include issues such as threats, emotional abuse, harassment and stalking. If you or your children are being threatened or abused, you can file a civil protective order.
Civil protective orders or restraining orders are very common in family violence cases. When one is filed, the alleged abuser may be banned from all contact with the victim, including staying away from his or her home, workplace and school. If the abuser violates the order, the police will arrest him or her. We will represent you at hearings and can work to keep the abuser in jail when appropriate.
We can also, in civil court, file for protective orders on behalf of our clients.
El Paso Family Violence Lawyers
Contact our office or call 915-219-5516 today to discuss your case. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. We accept all major credit cards for your convenience.
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