Experienced Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges
Have you been served with a civil protective order as a result of a domestic dispute? Whether the police were called to the home or the accuser filed a claim in the county attorney’s office, a civil protective order (restraining order) can immediately disrupt your life.
Rosales Law Firm understands domestic violence cases from many sides. We have handled them as former prosecutors. In addition, we represent people seeking to enforce and contest civil protective orders. We have the experience necessary to assist you with violations of these orders.
Contact us today online or by telephone at 915-219-5516. Our El Paso protective order violations attorneys represent clients throughout El Paso and surrounding areas, including military members stationed at Fort Bliss.
There Are Real Consequences To Violating Protective Orders
All violence or threats of violence between members of a family or between people in a relationship is considered domestic violence, even when the people are dating. A protective order requires the accused offender to stay away from the alleged victim, his or her home and place of work. If the order is violated, the offender can be arrested and charged with a Class B misdemeanor.
Violating a protective order can send you to jail and hurt your domestic violence case. If you are convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, the Lautenberg Amendment will prevent you from owning or using firearms and ammunition. This is a serious issue for members of the military.
It is important to have an attorney represent you at any hearings regarding civil protective orders. We can also represent you in court if your family violence case goes to trial.
Texas Restraining Order Violation Lawyers
Contact our office or call 915-219-5516 today to discuss your case. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. We accept all major credit cards for your convenience.
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