Military Family Law
Military members and their families face divorces, child custody disputes and other family law issues just like anyone else. However, the legal terrain of a military family law problem can be very different from a conventional case. The attorneys at the Rosales Law Firm understand the complexities of military divorce and family law cases. If you are stationed at Fort Bliss or another military base and need sound legal guidance, we are here to help.
Contact us today online or by telephone at 915-219-5516. El Paso child custody attorneys represent clients throughout El Paso and surrounding areas, including military members stationed at Fort Bliss.
Military Family Law Attorneys
While military personnel must handle their family law issues in the civil courts just like everyone else, several factors make a military divorce different from a civilian divorce.
Examples include:
- Residency requirements for filing divorce can be very complex for military members because they are often deployed to different states and foreign countries for extended periods.
- For the same reason, child custody arrangements can be very complex as well.
- Military members have pensions and retirement issues that differ from the general population. This can affect everything from property division to spousal support arrangements.
If you are a military member or are married to a military member stationed at Fort Bliss or another military base, it is important to have a law firm on your side that understands the intricacies of military family law. Our lawyers know military family law and can help you pursue your legal goals.
· Fort Bliss Military Divorce Lawyers
If you are stationed at Fort Bliss or another military base and are facing a divorce or other family law issue, our military family law attorneys are here to help. Contact our office today to discuss your case. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. You can reach us by phone at 915-219-5516 or via email. We accept all major credit cards for your convenience.
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