Young adults often want to experience the world for themselves. Parents want to give them their freedom, but rules are still very important for teens. Their emotional maturity and brain development may prevent them from making the best choices. Young people have a...
What is a per se DWI offense in Texas?
Police officers often arrest drivers for driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses based on their performance at the wheel. When someone displays clearly impaired ability, police officers that witness their questionable driving skills may stop them and then later...
Role of reasonable suspicion for impaired driving stops
Police officers have a duty to keep their jurisdictions safe. Part of this involves trying to keep impaired drivers off the roads. One way they do this is by watching for signs of drunk driving. If they notice that something is amiss with a driver, they’ll conduct a...
Is that Breathalyzer test wrong?
A Breathalyzer test is a handheld device that analyzes someone’s breath for ethanol molecules in order to calculate their blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Typically, these breath alcohol tests are requested by law enforcement after a traffic stop whenever the...
Can you refuse to go through a DUI checkpoint?
DUI checkpoints exist as a way for officers to help weed out potentially intoxicated drivers, cleaning up the road and making it a safer place for everyone else. Despite that, drivers do not actually have to go through the checkpoint. However, it is important to avoid...
Should you take a breath analysis test?
When an officer pulls you over on suspicion of driving while under the influence, they may ask you to take a breath analysis test. Though you may think you have the right to refuse, this is actually not the truth. Refusal can in fact result in even worse consequences....
What factors affect your BAC level?
Drink some water, or better, coffee. Take a quick nap. Have something heavy to eat. You have probably heard of using these or other things to help sober up after having too much to drink. While they may make you feel a bit better, the actions you take after consuming...
Can a DUI affect your college path?
When you get behind the wheel, you need to have full control of your faculties. This means avoiding driving after you have any intoxicating beverages. If you make the mistake of driving drunk and get arrested, you could be facing more than just a fine or even a stint...
Are breath test readings reliable?
Law enforcement officers in Texas and throughout the nation often use breath tests to determine whether motorists are under the influence of alcohol. If an officer pulls you over on suspicion of drunk driving and your blood alcohol content level measures above the...
Can a DUI conviction impact your education?
Being arrested for driving under the influence in Texas can cause a person a litany of challenges. The penalties for a conviction may be significant with jail time, fines and a driver license suspension. These vary depending on the details of the arrest and the blood...