People have been looking for ways to get out of DWI charges since the implementation of drunk driving laws. There are many tactics that they use when trying to sober up before they drive. Examples include eating a big meal, drinking a glass of water or taking a cold shower.
One common tactic is to have a cup of coffee. A person who knows that they have had too much to drink may stop by a coffee shop to have a large cup of black coffee before trying to drive home. They think that the coffee will sober them up, decreasing their blood alcohol concentration until it is both safe and legal for them to drive.
Only time changes your BAC
But this doesn’t work because coffee has no impact on BAC. There is some evidence that people are able to perform certain tasks better after having a cup of coffee, or that they’re able to focus and pay better attention. This is likely why drivers feel that they are more sober. But the reality is just that the caffeine itself has caused them to be more alert and awake.
What it doesn’t mean is that their BAC is any lower than it was before. If that person had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.09% and they were drunk, having a cup of coffee just makes them a wide-awake drunk. They would still fail a breath test and could be arrested on drunk driving charges.
Legal defense options
Are you facing drunk driving allegations, and are you worried about the impact they’re going to have on your future? Be sure you know about all of your criminal defense options.