While violence against a spouse or intimate partner is never okay, domestic violence allegations can arise within a variety of complicated circumstances. What appears to be evidence of domestic violence under one explanation may appear to be something else by another...
Dealing with unfair, false allegations of domestic violence, P.1
Domestic violence is not a very popular subject to be on the defensive about. Most media coverage of domestic violence-related issues is told from the perspective of and with sympathy for victims, and there isn’t much talk about the issues from the perspective of the...
Dealing with unfair, false allegations of domestic violence, P.2
In our last post, we began speaking about the importance of working with an experienced criminal defense attorney when one is faced with accusations of domestic violence. As we noted, the consequences of such allegations can be significant, particularly with respect...
Looking at the expunction process in Texas
In our last post, we began speaking about the expunction process. As we noted, only certain offenses are eligible for expunction, and offenders must meet certain requirements as well. For one thing, an applicant for expunction must not have received deferred...
Greg Hardy has domestic violence charges expunged
Texas readers may remember that Dallas Cowboys defensive end Greg Hardy was charged with domestic last year in connection with an incident involving an ex-girlfriend. Hardy was later found guilty of assault and making death threats, but he later appealed that ruling....
Domestic violence investigation leads to fatal shooting
Law enforcement agencies say that domestic violence calls are among the most risky jobs they deal with. Officers are aware of this fact and are prepared to deal with the worst when responding to domestic violence incidents. Unfortunately, the way police officers...
Poor police work can lead to domestic violence charges
In our last post, we wrote about a recent case near San Antonio in which an unarmed man was shot to death by two police officers after seemingly surrendering. As we noted, there is no video footage of the seconds immediately preceding the fatal shots and the case is...
Linebacker puts abuse allegations behind him
In our last post, we spoke about the importance of working with an experienced attorney to work so that weak domestic violence charges don’t make it to trial. In some cases, of course, prosecutors end up dismissing a case on their own after an investigation reveals...
Domestic violence cases require proactive, experienced advocacy
For law enforcement and prosecutors, tackling domestic violence is a major priority, and a real challenge, as a recent article in the Brownsville Herald explains. The prevalence of domestic violence is undoubtedly significant, with over 23,000 victims of family...
Domestic violence bill raises concerns over admission of prejudicial evidence, P.2
In our last post, we began speaking about a bill currently being considered by Texas lawmakers which would allow juries to be presented a broader scope of information concerning the specific actions taken by an offender prior to an alleged occurrence of abuse. As we...