Talking to your kids about getting a divorce may be uncomfortable. You can plan what you will say and how to handle the talk but you don’t know the questions they may raise. Kids can have tough questions concerning divorce. Thus, it’s crucial to be ready.
Here are three common ones:
1. Why are you getting a divorce?
Unfortunately, kids can sometimes blame themselves for their parents’ divorce. So, if they ask this question, chances are they think the time they made a mistake or got poor grades has led to your decision. You should tell them they are not at fault.
A simple answer may be informing them that you and the other parent have tried but can’t be happy together. Thus, you have chosen to live apart. Your answer should be clear and brief. And ensure your kids know you are always happy with them.
2. Where will we live?
When you inform your kids about the divorce, they will wonder how their lives will change, specifically where they will live. They want to know if they will transfer schools or make new friends and how they will get to soccer practice/dance class.
Therefore, you should be careful when answering this question. If you haven’t agreed on custody, tell your kids you are still discussing the details but will have answers soon.
3. Will you get back together?
Your kids may hope that you will get back together and restore the life they were used to. You should let them know that you appreciate their perspective, but it’s best for you and the other parent to go your separate ways.
How you answer your kids’ questions about divorce is crucial. Getting legal guidance can help you answer their questions and protect their interests.