After Texas police convicted you of a DWI, you have penalties to navigate. You must serve community service, but what does that mean?
United States Courts break down how courts implement community service. Understand how to meet your obligations and move on with your life.
The basics
Your community service placement must qualify as realistic, purposeful, reliable and appropriate. It should also help the local community. You do not receive compensation for serving the community. Before placement agencies approve placement, probation officers must share the defendant’s criminal charges.
The timeline
You must complete community service promptly, as long as the court does not have a valid reason to delay placement. Before your placement, for instance, you may need to complete a home confinement term. Some defendants must finish intensive corrective treatment or meet family responsibilities. For lengthy delays, probation officers may ask to remove a special request or inform the court of a setback.
The placement
Courts consider various factors when assigning community service. These include your abilities, character and skills. Courts also think about what the community needs and sentencing goals. Logistical considerations include transportation, monetary obligations and the defendant’s job.
The site
Community service sites must offer non-denominational community services. That means defendants cannot meet a community service requirement serving as ministers at a church. Defendants can serve at church soup kitchens as long as the church serves the entire community. Site managers must inform the defendant’s probation officer about the defendant’s performance.
By educating yourself about community service, you better understand how to put your drunk driving charge behind you.