Some theft-related charges in Texas are: theft, burglary, and robbery. They each involve taking property unlawfully, but through different circumstances and means, which make a major difference in a court of law. In this article, we’ll discuss the basic differences between the three charges in the state of Texas and how they are prosecuted.
Theft and The Scale Of Charges
Theft is defined as the unlawful appropriation of property with the intent to deprive the owner of the property. The severity of the charge is highly dependent on the value of the property taken. For instance, taking a $30 book would result in a Class C misdemeanor, while stealing a $400,000 sports car would result in a first-degree felony. Theft can span the full range of possible sentencing. So, it’s important to determine the value of the alleged stolen property.
Burglary or Breaking and Entering
Burglary is generally defined as the act of breaking into a building or habitation with the intent to commit a theft, assault, or felony. The site of the burglary is very important in these cases as it may determine the grade of the offense. Burglarizing a building and not a habitation would result in a state jail felony, while a habitation would result in a first or second-degree felony. In certain cases, this charge may be paired with robbery creating a new serious predicament for the accused.
Robbery and Aggravated Robbery
Robbery in Texas is a second-degree felony, while aggravated robbery is a first-degree felony. Robbery is the committing of theft while intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily harm or threatening bodily harm. Aggravated robbery involves the use or brandishing of a deadly weapon or causing serious injury to the victim(s), and/or the victim is disabled or over 65 years of age.
Robbery can be punished by 2 to 10 years in prison, and up to $10,000 in fines. Aggravated robbery, however, can be punishable by up to 99 years in prison, along with up to $10,000 in fines.
Tough Representation for Tough Charges
If you or someone you know is facing these charges, you’ll need experienced and determined legal counsel. Contact Rosales Law Firm today so we can begin fighting for you!