Texas residents who are struggling with a decision about whether to get a divorce may be pushed to action if the other spouse has an addiction or is abusive. In the case of an addiction, the spouse might be unwilling to follow through with treatment. For example, the spouse may have been arrested several times for driving under the influence and agreed to go to treatment. However, after the spouse abandons treatment and relapses several time, the other party might decide to end the marriage.
Often, parents may want to avoid putting their children through a divorce. However, an atmosphere of conflict can be difficult for children as well, and it can set a bad example for them. If parents are unable to protect their children from this conflict, divorce might be the right decision despite the upheaval it will create.
In some cases, conflict between two people might escalate to abuse. Abuse may be physical, emotional or verbal, but a victim might not immediately recognize the abuse or how bad it is. Many people only realize the seriousness of the situation when the abuse is turned toward their children.
A divorce can be emotionally difficult even when it is relatively amicable. When elements such as abuse or addiction are added, it may be particularly contentious. However, even in a contentious divorce, with the assistance of a mediator, a couple might be able to reach a satisfactory solution. Texas is a community property state, but this does not mean that there is no flexibility in how property is divided. In some cases, a couple might be able to reach an agreement on some aspects of property division or child custody but not others, and the couple might need to go to court and have those issues resolved by a judge.