Domestic violence is a serious offense and can have devastating consequences for both the victim and the accused. Understandably, there are many programs available to the victim such as the Center Against Sexual and Family Violence in Texas. However, there are far fewer programs to help those accused of the abuse to deal with the mental, physical and financial strain allegations put on them and their families.
Domestic and family violence is defined as any abuse that includes psychological, sexual, emotional and physical abuse of romantic partners or family members. Anyone accused of a crime will face significant consequences to both their personal and professional lives and those facing charges of domestic violence will also have to face the stigma attached to these types of crimes. You don’t have to be convicted to understand the consequences, merely being accused is often enough to change your life forever.
It is important to know that penalties for anyone facing a domestic violence conviction can range from minor such as counseling or probation to significant such as costly fines and jail time. The level of penalty is dependent upon numerous factors such as the severity of the crime and whether or not the accused has any prior convictions or been involved in a domestic violence dispute in the past. The system is not designed to protect the accused but rather to protect society and the victim.
While victims of crime have inherent rights, so too do individuals facing domestic assault charges or a domestic violence conviction. Seeking the advice of experienced legal counsel to explore all avenues to an effective resolution is important for anyone facing accusations or a conviction of a crime.