If you and your spouse are contemplating divorce, despite the fact that you are parents, Texas law allows the two of you to create your own custody order and parenting plan. If you fail to agree on the provisions of this all-important document, however,...
Affording child support payments
Most divorced parents living in Texas are committed to supporting their children. Unfortunately, circumstances can arise that make it difficult to afford child support payments. Because federal and state laws treat a failure to make payments very seriously, it's...
Why do child support payment amounts vary from state to state?
When Texas parents split up, an aspect of the breakup includes negotiating child support. While there are federal guidelines for establishing the amount of support, each state is allowed to set up its own rules. In Texas, for example, courts do not take into account...
How the state can enforce a child support order
Single parents in Texas may find themselves struggling financially and unable to make ends meet. This is especially true when the child's other parent fails to follow through on child support obligations. Despite calls and requests, many parents find themselves...
Withholding visitation could end up punishing the child
It can be difficult when one parent doesn't make child support payments on time. If there's enough anger and resentment, then the custodial parent could feel like withholding visitation from the late payor. However, this decision might put the custodial parent in a...
Kinds of child support cases
Parents in Texas who have to receive or pay child support may find that how the payments are handled can be confusing. This is likely because there are four distinct kinds of child support cases. In order for parent to fully understand child support payments, they...
How child support payments work when joint custody is involved
Arrangements for child support payments in Texas can become more complex if joint custody is part of the equation. But before custody agreements are discussed, decisions have to be made about legal and physical custody as well as parenting time. In every state except...
Establishing child support
Texas parents should be aware that it is necessary to establish both the maternity and paternity of a child before a child support arrangement can be established. The act of giving birth is enough to establish a woman as the mother of a child. However, there are...
What happens when the other parent tricks the system?
Many Texas custodial parents depend on child support payments to meet the needs of their children. However, with almost half of parents nationwide receiving partial or no child support payments, many parents find themselves struggling to meet those needs. In some...
Statistics highlight child support across the country
Child support can be essential to single parents in Texas given the expense of raising one or more children. While many people think that child support payments are often large or excessive, the reality is far different for the majority of parents. While some...